Friday, December 23, 2005

IFBB Pro Craig Titus & wife Kelly Ryan Wanted for Murder

UPDATE 8/7/2010: An update to this story is available here Whatever happened to Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan?

NEW! Craig Titus's Federal Bureau of Prisons Record

On Wednesday, December 21st, Las Vegas Metro Police Dept. issued a statement saying they were looking for IFBB Professional Bodybuilder Craig Titus, and his wife, Kelly Ryan, to charge them with murder of an unnamed women. The woman's remains were found in the trunk of a burned out car. So far, one individual, Anthony Gross has been arrested in association with the case. The police have not named the woman killed, or any other information about the case. The website, has amassed a great deal of information on the case. Although I have no idea what affiliation they have with Titus (and the fact that he is still at large) they are soliciting donations. So far, they have posted several news stories, video clips and interviews. According to one post by user "Iabadman" on's forums, Titus and wife were heavy into the party scene and used recreational drugs frequently.

..... within mintues they seemed to like me ,and Craig
pulls me aside and asks me if I could score them some
E ........I looked at him like he was a fool and said
,"I dont do drugs, I havent even juiced in years "...
he smiles and laughs ,"yeah right ,you are like 280
,whatever bro".....I swear to god he looked at me like
I was freaking crazy for not doing drugs .....

Obviously, many of us know that professional bodybuilding involves steroid use, and rec. drug use has been reported to be common. Many are now concerned that because of the current backlash against steroids, this will cause more heat to be placed on the topic and cause more concern for the community.

This is also a great shock for everyone in the bodybuilding community. Both Craig Titus and his wife wrote many articles for magazines, both online and off, and offered up their email addresses for questions and consultations. They both made themselves actively known on the forums, and endorsed and sponsored several well known companies.

At this point, I have requested several Freedom of Information Acts on Craig Titus from several agencies, and am in the process of looking into seeing what I can find out from the Las Vegas police about the case. At the moment, both Craig and Kelly are on the lamb. One source puts them in Greece, and obviously they could be anywhere -- but with their body types they will have a hard time blending in, not to mention coping with their possible drug dependencies and coming off of gear with no ancillaries (although if they're in Greece...)

This story is pending, with further information coming soon. Thanks to for the photos and information. If you have any information on the whereabouts of Craig Titus or Kelly Ryan, please contact The Las Vegas Police online here or at (702) 229-3111, the FBI online or (202) 324-3000 or possibly even INTERPOL online or (202) 616-9000. Stay tuned...


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Anthony Gross
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Kelly Ryan


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