Unlike other proxy systems which rely on main servers that can be blocked, Circumventor wants to have a range of many IPs, so individuals can connect through your personal computer to blocked sites. By using this method, it would be virtually impossible for firewalls to be configured to block out a range of IPs.
There is very little documentation on Circumventor, except that it is reported to be based off of a similar proxy called CGIProxy. Circumventor can only run on systems running Windows XP or 2000 and you must run it for at least 2 weeks to get your $10. I have not run it myself so I don't know how much bandwidth or system resources it uses. However, the reasoning behind it is genuine, as it was mentioned in the EFF's newsletter. Their intentions are to allow people who live in countries that censor their internet connections, so it is a worthy cause.
If you sign up and run it, leave me a comment and let me know how it's going.
We will pay you $10 to install the Circumventor and share it out
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